Where I Work Wednesday woohoo! I didn't link up for Technology Tip Tuesday because... well... I don't have any tips. Ha! Sad, but true. I mean, I can work a computer as well as the next guy but my poor lil classroom has zero ipads, zero ipods, no smartboard, no elmo.... it's sadsville :( But we make it work :)
So I posted a whole buncha classroom pics a few posts ago (here) but I'll refresh your memory with a few! First of all, we are planted in the great state of:
(Texas) lol
Here is what you see when you walk in the door:

Front board, calendar time, helpers, word wall, etc.:

Our cute lil library:

Back of the room:

And our welcome door:

Well there ya have it! Welcome to Ms. Kennedy's first grade!
Hey! I found your blog on the Blog Hop and am your newest follower! My blog is all about tech tips so if you feel brave and want to try out something new hop over there and check it out! There are some amazing things you can do with "just a computer"! Thanks for sharing your room. It looks bright and colorful!